We are very excited to accept proposals for our second OPEN-CALL for two types of programming: Site-Specific Residency and Show: Exhibition or Project– these are two paid opportunities and we invite proposals from all creative practitioners.

These paid opportunities are the backbone of our programming. CURRENT recognises the time, intellect, labour and skill that an artist/creative/curator expends in creating works and making them available to the public. We hope to lead by example, paying artists for their contribution to society and creating the change we wish to see. We wish that these programmes can lead to debate and dialogue around contemporary practice and its future.

All programmes aim to empower artists who are challenging the formats, the boundaries and the way the space is occupied and used.


See detailed open calls below ︎︎︎

Between scheduled programming for paid opportunities, CURRENT remains free for ad-hoc projects through our Provides Space programme– a testing ground for other short exhibitions, presentation of work, events, workshops and collaborations. Our space remains flexible and accessible to other requests and ideas we receive. We want to highlight that we strive to create a place and a site that allow for transformation and challenging use of the space.
The programme for Show: Exhibition or Project aims to encourage artists and contemporary practitioners to take risks with their practice and engage with local audiences in the presentation of their creative work. We invite artists, curators and collaborators from all creative disciplines to apply for this programme. We support applicants to present creative work that is experimental, investigative, extends existing art practices and engages with contemporary artistic discourse.

Proposals that test new ideas are highly encouraged.  You can apply as an individual artist, curator, collective or group of artists. Please include detailed ideas of how this opportunity will support you in the continuation and development of your creative practice. Please keep in mind we are an unconventional experimental art space and not a traditional gallery

Download full description here


Apply for the programme here


The programme for the Site-Specific Residency aims to create a lasting dialogue with the site. CURRENT is housed in the former substation of the Naval Store in Walyalup at the intersection of Canning Hwy and Queen Victoria Street. The site that we are located on is full of historical, pre-colonial and present narratives. We hope that these narratives will create reflection, curiosity and inform your upcoming work on the site.

The Site-Specific Residency encourages applicants to provide detailed ideas of how they might engage with the location in the development of their creative work. ‘Site-specific’ can be defined on micro and macro levels, ranging from interpreting the bricks and textures of the building to speaking to its location in Walyalup, the port and its historical context. We are curious about works that consider the site’s architecture, location, history and place in a broader context.

Download full description here


Apply for the programme here


Ongoing Programming - Ad hoc Application


CURRENT would like to remain a testing ground for other short projects, events and collaborations. In this spirit, we invite ad hoc applications (open year round) from all creative practitioners to utilise the space for other projects or ideas. Programming remains flexible depending on the requests and ideas we receive. This programming would sit within ‘Provides Space’ or ‘Collaborates’ activation models.

For example:
  • Performances
  • Workshops
  • Film screenings
  • Short free exhibition opportunities

Apply for the programmes here


Download full description here



Proposals are accepted throughout the year.

Applications for CURRENT Provides Space programme are highly encouraged, what we look for are;
  • Independent and self-going shows and projects that use the space for shorter periods use (max 3 days)
  • Promote experimentation, targeted engagements and interesting use of the space
  • Projects or shows don't necessarily need to be public but more of a production, test of an artwork, performance etc.
  • Provide space for artists and creatives to do their own projects and shows where CURRENT are hands off. For example, an exhibition or show where installation, materials, opening events are self organised.
  • CURRENT can still promote these on social media if desired and 'CURRENT PROVIDES SPACE’ programmes will still be archived on the CURRENT website.


Programmes accepted throughout the year.

Applications for the Current Collaborates programme are similar to the above but where CURRENT takes a bigger part of the creative development. These are projects that align closely to what CURRENT strives to programme but deemed beneficial to be collaborative. The CURRENT team's skills and experience are used to amplify the use of the space and the creative direction of the programme.