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a (con)temporary site for testing, research and emerging practice

Opening Friday 12th July 6-10 pm

‘Stations of Light’ is the new exhibition by musician and photographer Eduardo Cossio. The newly developed work presents a series of abstract images exploring light in sculptural ways. Photograms, re-projections, and paper sculptures are used to articulate a space for contemplation.

With an emphasis on photographic process, the collection treats light as both medium and subject. Light’s ephemeral quality is explored through sequences and sculptural arrangements that evoke a place for worship, but also hint at the origins of photography; to what William Henry Fox Talbot (1800–1877) called ‘the art of fixing shadows’.

The exhibition includes one of Cossio’s Photo Scores projected in the gallery. The animated video projection re-interprets his own photographs through visual and musical tropes such as concrete art, collage techniques, and indeterminacy. Eduardo will offer live realizations of his Photo Scores with the help of musical collaborators.


Eduardo Cossio is a Peruvian-Australian musician and photographer. He is known for his novel approach to acoustic instruments with the use of non-standard techniques and electronics. Echoing his music practice, Eduardo’s images move between the recognized and the defamiliarized; adopting shifting sightlines to explore texture, surface, light, and subject matter usually considered peripheral.

His debut exhibition ‘Transports’ was shown at Spectrum Project Space in March of 2024. His photography has been acquired by the State Library of WA and featured at the CLIP Awards in 2022 and 2024. Eduardo is also a music organizer, broadcaster, and writer in the Perth music scene.

PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE: www.eduardocossio.com/

MUSIC WEBSITE: eduardocossio.photography/


Producer: Stirling Kain
Printing by Joe’s Printing
Install Technician: Holly Yoshida

Performance Program:

Co-presented with Outcome Unknown

July 14, 4pm - 5.30pm

Lana Rothnie
Sage Pbbbt & Eduardo Cossio (Photo Score performance)

July 21, 4pm - 6pm

Naoko Uemoto
Simon Charles & Eduardo Cossio (Photo Score performance)
Artists talk with Dr. Andrea Rassell