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a (con)temporary site for testing, research and emerging practice
CURRENT is a creative and artist-run place. We welcome and encourage contemporary practice to occur in the space. Contemporary practice is a softer definition of creative and artistic creation that welcomes people from all kinds of disciplines. We want to emphasise that institutional recognition isn’t what makes great art and contemporary praxis.
CURRENT hosts a range of programmes that are experimental, innovative, test new ideas, extend existing artistic practices and engage with contemporary artistic discourse. We want to contribute and be part of the contemporary fabric in Walyalup, WA and beyond.
CURRENT is a site for creative practice: exhibitions, artist residencies, performances and projects.
CURRENT is a place for engagement, community building and collective narratives and change.
CURRENT is not-for-profit, artist, volunteer-led space.
CURRENT was co-founded by Will Ek Uvelius and Nina Juniper.
CURRENT pays artists fees for its artistic programming.
CURRENT runs ongoing programming open to the community.
CURRENT rents its space from Enkel Collective Co-Operative.
CURRENT is funded by our community.
CURRENT generates ongoing revenue through a paid bar at CURRENT programmed opening nights and a 20% commission donation on all artworks sales over $100.