"They Never Heard Your Prayers" is a documentary series by Jesse Lee, meticulously developed during his time studying in Kingston, Ontario. This project was born from Jesse’s initial experiences in the town, where the severe wealth inequality left an indelible impression on me. Embarking on a journey of forming genuine connections with the homeless population, which eventually led to his immersion in their lives within a tent city they had formed on the outskirts of the town. This project aims to engage the audience and spark meaningful thought and discussion about wealth inequality globally.
"The Prettiest Dancers Have No Audience" is a collection of recent biro drawings by Luke Morrison. These drawings stem from various sketchbooks and accumulated pieces of scrap paper. They explore themes of intimacy, melancholy, tension, vulnerability, longing, and belonging. The drawings often depict living spaces, balconies, and performers, offering a poignant exploration of human emotions and experiences.Through this collection Luke has recognised a recurring inclination to find beauty in the ordinary and seemingly mundane.