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a (con)temporary site for testing, research and emerging practice
CURRENT acknowledges the Whadjuk Noongar people as the traditional owners of the land we work and practice. We recognise the importance of ‘Dwerda Weelardinup’ as a significant navigational and communication site. Always was, always will be Aboriginal Land.
Next Show: PROVIDE SPACE: ‘Salon’ by Stephen Brameld and Jay Stephens.
Opening Friday 14th Febuary 2025
Since the rise of Romanticism in the 18th century, the idea of the inspired genius working alone undermined any notion of collaboration in the visual arts. Stephen Brameld & Jay Staples are WA-based self-taught artists practicing in painting, sculpture and video who simultaneously work on the same artwork until they reach a point of mutual recognition. Their work explores improvisation, shared consciousness, regeneration, mysticism and symbol surfaces through a rugged workshop-like approach to painting and sculpting, using a wide array of materials.
Exhibition runs 14-23 February